Proboscis Monkey's Blog
I waited so diligently...for the moment in which I would taste our hard work: the wedding cake. Tita and I spent so many days preparing it. From sunrise to sunset, we never missed a beat; wherever work called, we were there. I've spent so much time with this girl—so much time. Oh how I enjoy her company, but she worries me sick. All those days spent basking in her grief was unbearable; my heart ached. She should be credited happiness. I have lived a life of loneliness, because I was denied my happiness. Oh dear, I really don't want her to end up like me. I don't want her to watch from the shadows, as I did. I've grown up seeing everyone's wedding, never partaking in my own. My heart yearns for love, my heart yearns for lost love: my fiance.

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